The activity of luring Mourning Doves, which are also known as Doves, Rock Pigeons, and other names, is a simple one. Doves are permanent inhabitants of the majority of the United States and may be seen in southern Canada during the summer months. It is a common bird that can be seen at most feeding stations, and when it does appear, it does so in small groups. Doves are easy to attract to a feeding station since they are consistent visitors to most of them. However, getting them to eat FROM a feeder is a very another issue. It’s not that they won’t utilize a feeder; it’s just that their size usually prevents them from landing on or even laying themselves down on one.
Doves are the subject of two inquiries that are presented to us here. The first question is, “What can I do to prevent doves from entering my yard?” Personally, I like the doves and have no idea why some people don’t want them, but that’s a whole separate topic for another blog. The second question, which is asked somewhat more often, is, “How can I entice the mourning dove?” Doves are birds that eat on the ground in their native habitat. Observe them for a short period of time, and you will see that they are quite satisfied with just meandering about on the ground, picking up whatever is thrown off of your feeders. When we have a conversation with a client for a few minutes, we discover that the majority of them truly want to know how to attract doves to a feeder or what kind of feeder is ideal for doves. That’s a whole new can of worms altogether.
Doves are huge birds that are known for their clumsiness. The experience of having one land on your feeder is analogous to landing a jumbo jet on an aircraft carrier that is sailing at sea. In point of fact, each potential outcome resembles the others in terms of the landing patterns they produce. Doves, much like airplanes, have a tendency to approach feeders in a way that is wavering left to right and up and down. Therefore, in order to fulfill your dream of seeing doves perched atop your feeders, you will need to invest in big feeders. The Mourning Dove Series is the name of our most substantial feeder, and there is a good reason for this. It’s enormous in every respect. The additional space that is offered by a big hopper feeder or a fly-through that is medium to large will be sufficient for a dove to find its way onto one of these feeders. A seed catcher tray is another product that we have available for purchase. It is a wide, flat platform feeder that is made to fit below pole-mounted feeders and provides a significant amount of “real estate” to any feeding station. The feeder is meant to place underneath pole-mounted feeders.
If you want to attract doves to your feeder, you should consider putting up a fly-through feeder that is at least medium-sized and preferably big. It makes enough for a sufficient amount of seed and provides a generous amount of landing space for the doves. If you want a feeder in the manner of a hopper, get the biggest one that your budget will allow you to purchase, and seek a feeder with a base platform that has an additional area around the hopper. The more space you provide for the dove, the better its chances will be of successfully landing. Because of its expansive “landing pad,” the addition of a seed catcher tray will make a favorable contribution to your overall rate of success. After they have successfully landed on the feeder, your doves will be more than content to remain there for extended periods of time.
One more item to note. Install a dove feeder that is pole or post mounted when you want to attract doves. Hanging feeders have a tendency to sway in the wind, which may make it difficult for birds to land on them. This is particularly true for hopper-style feeders, which have a considerably smaller landing space than other types of feeders. When a big and heavy bird lands, a hanging feeder will likewise swing more erratically than usual because of the added weight.
Doves in sorrow may bring a lot of happiness into your life if you take the time to feed them. They like to remain in one location for extended periods of time, which gives you the opportunity to enjoy their company more than you would with the majority of other types of birds. No matter what you do, they will continue to get their food from the earth. Therefore, they will, in a sense, also serve the function of becoming miniature home cleaners. The fewer seeds there are on the ground, the fewer there will be for you to pick up. I cannot stress enough how important it is to provide proper care for this magnificent bird. If you do so, you will be rewarded with numerous hours of delight thanks to their understated beauty and easygoing, relaxed demeanor.